Monday 1st October, 2018
Haldon Forest Park Competition Win!
Competition win!
Design and build competitions can be hard fought and sometimes fruitless endeavours but not this time!
At EmanuelHendry Ltd, we are really excited to showcase our competition tender winning designs for 2 viewpoint shelters and a nature hide. These buildings will be built for the Forestry Commission England at Haldon Forest Park near Exeter in early 2019.
The competition brief for these buildings was to create contemporary spaces paying reverance to the surrounding forrest and landscape.
To use sustainable materials, and to be an all inclusive environment accommodating the least able of users as well as being and inquisitive and inspiring play space for small children.
Our winning designs will use locally and sustainably sourced Larch and Sweet chestnut timbers to create larch timber frame cabins in the woods. The design and build of the outdoor timber frame contemporary structures will create 3 new points on the map for walkers and bikers to head for when visiting Haldon Forest Park Exeter. The estimated visitor number to these structures alone will be around 100,000 per year!
The Forestry Commission’s mission is to protect and expand Britain’s forests and woodlands and increase their value to society and the environment.
We can drink to that!